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365bet Giving Areas

下面你会发现一些365bet的捐赠领域的描述. While these are 没有一个全面的清单,所有的捐赠领域的大学,你可以找到额外的 areas to give at give.tuchfuehlung.net or contact the 365bet Office of Philanthropy at advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.

For information on how to apply for a scholarship, visit http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/scholarships/.


365bet Priorities 

这些资金用于支持该地区提出的倡议、需求和优先事项 listed. Each college, department, and athletic team have a fund. Gifts donated to 这些资金为该地区提供了最佳的访问和可用性.

For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to your favorite of Fund of Excellence

这些资金使365bet能够支持最关键的举措、需求和优先事项 to the university.

For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to 365bet's Greatest Need

这些资金使365bet能够支持最关键的创新、需求和优先事项 to the university.

For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the President's Fund of Excellence


体育奖学金基金不仅为学生运动员提供了机会 继续他们的运动生涯,但也进一步和更好的教育通过 Austin Peay. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-712.


Give a gift to the Athletic Scholarship Fund

优秀体育基金为奥斯汀提供了机会和稳定 Peay athletic department as a whole. The funds are contributed to the greatest needs of the department. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the Athletics Fund of Excellence

胜利基金是一项领导基金,允许365bet运动员提供额外的 support to its teams and programs. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the Athletic Victory Fund

Special Initiatives

“东南草原倡议”(SGI)是一项由国际草原保护组织领导的合作项目 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学领导的生物多样性保护项目. Those groups include 野外生物学卓越中心,德克萨斯植物研究所, the North Carolina Botanical Garden, and Roundstone Native Seed. SGI seeks to integrate 研究、咨询和教育,以及拨款的管理 创造创新的解决方案,以解决东南面临的众多复杂问题 草原,北美东部最危险的生态系统. For more information visit, http://www.segrasslands.org/home/


Give a gift to the Southeastern Grasslands Initiatives Fund


Funds go to support 365bet students on a case-by-case basis. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the Academic Scholarship Fund

捐赠给这些地区的钱允许365bet学生在这些部门或地区 it is given to receive financial assistance. Scholarships are typically awarded each Fall and Spring semester. Selection is based on academic success, need, interest, and involvement throughout the department. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the College, Department, or Area of your choice

奥斯汀皮伊州立大学野外生物学卓越中心是专门的 研究和保护美国东南部的生物多样性. This scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.



Given to the Youth Ovation Award winner. The Youth Ovation Award winners must submit a copy of their notification letter with their application. The recipient will be granted the scholarship for one year only. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.



总统新兴领袖项目的学生体现了这种愿景和价值观 通过卓越的学术成就和超越自我的服务. PELP学生每年可获得3,000美元的奖学金,可在四年内续期 period. For more information visit http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/pelp/.


Give a gift to the President's Emerging Leaders Scholarship

This scholarship is provided by alumnus Larry Carroll. The scholarship is awarded 全日制大三或大四学生,主修会计. Money given to this scholarship is matched dollar for dollar.


Give a gift to the Baggett Carroll Business Scholarship

里根奖学金计划提供给就读奥斯汀大学的女学生 Peay State University. The scholarship is designed to provide assistance to those 在学术和社区服务方面表现优异的女学生. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA and minimum 24 ACT with financial need. The scholarship recipient 会出席每年一度的里根捐赠圈颁奖午宴吗 spring on the campus of 365bet to receive her award. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the Reagan's Women's Giving Circle Scholarship

该荣誉项目奖学金由Hazel Irwin于2013年设立,以纪念她 husband, Dr. 埃德·欧文,以表彰他在365bet的学术生涯和他的作用 in establishing the 365bet Honors Program. Scholarships are awarded to an incoming freshman in the 365bet Honors Program. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the Ed Irwin Endowed Honor's Scholarship

给一个全日制本科生,他是当前的直系后裔, 退休或去世的365bet雇员,已完成五年或五年以上的服务 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The 365bet Retiree Association Board makes the selection of this award. For more information, contact advancement@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7127.


Give a gift to the 365bet Retiree Association Scholarship

这些资金将用于为365bet的非裔美国人建立奖学金 students. The scholarship, named in honor of the painter Marvin Posey, Jr., was one 他是近年来田纳西涌现的最有前途的年轻艺术家之一 appearing in major galleries nationwide. Since his untimely passing, Posey’s family 把他的几件著名作品捐赠给了他的母校奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. “I won’t live forever, but my work will. I’m leaving a legacy, so I’ll always be here.” – Marvin Posey, Jr. For more information, contact the Office of Alumni and Annual Giving at alumni@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7979.


Give a gift to the Marvin Posey, Jr. Scholarship Endowment

365betNAA团聚和前任校长奖学金每年提供两个奖项 deserving juniors, seniors and/or graduate students. For more information, contact the Office of Alumni and Annual Giving at alumni@tuchfuehlung.net or 931-221-7979.



University Programs

Each semester, the Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center honors graduating 奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的一名非裔美国学生和一名非裔美国人 Graduate Recognition Ceremony. Family and friends are invited to see students celebrated 并在毕业典礼上得到一条肯特的披肩. The 非裔美国人文化中心在我们许多人的生活中起着不可或缺的作用 students. For more information visit http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/aacc/.



The mission of the S.O.S. Food Pantry is to assist and provide supplement food to 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的贫困学生,他们受到经济问题的影响 由于失业(解雇和裁员)、离婚、残疾、健康、 家庭暴力、无家可归、灾难和/或生活成本上升. We gather, 储存和分发物品给那些发现自己在特殊需要的时候 crisis. 我们的使命是基于富有同情心的伸出和举起我们所尊重的手 the dignity of each person we serve. For more information visit http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/volunteer/sos-food-pantry/index.php


Give a gift to the 365bet Food Pantry

学生实习津贴将提供一个机会来支持学生 希望在工作中获得实际的工作经验,为他们的职业生涯做好准备 opportunities after graduation. The stipend could be used to assist with costs such 实习经验课程学分的学费, 在实习期间提供住宿和/或往返工作场所的交通方面的帮助 以补充无薪工作经验的小时工资. For more information visit http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/careers/.


Give a gift to the Career Services Internship Stipends

牛顿军人家庭资源中心建立了我们的退伍军人文本项目 in our continual strive towards excellence. This initiative provides students with textbooks free of charge. It relies on student textbook and monetary donations. Though 我们的军人学生获得退伍军人事务教育津贴,以资助他们的教育, these funds are not always enough. It is in this we seek your assistance in reducing 退伍军人在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学就读期间的一些经济负担 通过捐款,这将有助于为我们的学生提供教科书. For more information visit, http://ldfz.tuchfuehlung.net/mva/nmfrc/texts-for-vets/.


Give a gift to the Texts for Vets Program

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